Paschal Triduum
Maundy Thursday | 7:00pm – Service of Confession / Divine Service. After celebrating the Lord’s Supper, the altar is stripped of its vestments and appointments, recalling the Lord’s abandonment in the Garden of Gethsemane.
Good Friday | 7:00pm – Tenebrae Vespers. A solemn service of adoration of Jesus the Lamb of God as He offers up his life.
Holy Saturday | 7:00pm – Easter Vigil Service. The Easter Alleluia sounds forth for the first time in the midst of the dark night and we are carried in spirit to Christ’s tomb where the Creator’s Sabbath rest was transformed into a new Day and Age, the Day of the Lord.
Easter Sunday
Easter Breakfast | 8:00am. Join us for a meal served by our confirmation class and their families.
Easter Sunday | 9:00am – Easter Festival Divine Service. With Easter, Christ fulfills the Old Testament Passover, proving God’s anger has passed over us because of His sacrificial death as the Lamb of God. For this reason, it is most fitting to celebrate with the feast that Christ Himself instituted to commemorate His death and resurrection until He comes (1 Cor. 11:26): Holy Communion.
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