Join us for our Easter worship services in Oregon, WI. We celebrate the historic (nearly 2000-year-old) tradition of the Paschal Triduum.
Paschal = The Biblical word for “Easter”
Triduum = “The Three Days.”
After 40 Days of Lent, the Christian Year has now reached its climax. We have come to the celebration of the suffering, death, and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ. This is the celebration for which we have been preparing throughout Lent. Now we see what our Savior came to do. We see Him suffer and die for our sins and for the sins of the world. And we see Him rise triumphantly on Easter morning to assure us that our salvation is complete, the victory is won.
The three services over these three days begin on Maundy Thursday. All three services are dramatic each in their own way and intimately connected to each other. The focus as always, is Christ.
Maundy Thursday | 6:30pm – Divine Service. After celebrating the Lord’s Supper, the altar is stripped of its vestments and appointments, recalling the Lord’s abandonment in the Garden of Gethsemane.
Good Friday | 6:30pm – Tenebrae Vespers. A solemn service of adoration of Jesus the Lamb of God as He offers up his life. Throughout the service the Passion Account from John’s Gospel is read as candles are extinguished.
Holy Saturday | 6:30pm – Easter Vigil Service. (A joint service, this year at Resurrection Lutheran Church, Verona, WI) The Easter Alleluia sounds forth for the first time in the midst of the dark night and we are carried in spirit to Christ’s tomb where the Creator’s Sabbath rest was transformed into a new Day and Age, the Day of the Lord.
Easter Sunday | 9:00am – Easter Festival Divine Service. With Easter, Christ fulfills the Old Testament Passover, proving God’s anger has passed over us because of His sacrificial death as the Lamb of God. For this reason, it is most fitting to celebrate with the feast that Christ Himself instituted to commemorate His death and resurrection until He comes (1 Cor. 11:26): Holy Communion.