The end of the year is a time of giving. Often we see that we have “extra” from the Lord (which is really His in the first place) to give. Below are some items that various committees of Faith have decided would be nice to have. These are things that our committees think will benefit those we serve in one way or another.
Use your “designated offering” envelopes to give towards a certain item.
Thrivent Members may also apply for up to 2 Action Grants per year, each in the amount of $250. Many items on this list may fit the criteria for the grants. Talk to Pastor or Rick W. if you need help applying.
Cymbelstern“Cymbal Star.” (Elders/Worship)
Goal: $1100 – FUNDED!
A musical instrument addition to the organ. When engaged, the star rotates, producing a continuous tinkling sound. Common in Lutheran churches in the 16th-18th centuries. Used during the Sanctus, a doxology, or other “bright” hymns.

New Liturgical Banners from Ad Crucem (Altar Guild)
$300 per season set ($150 per banner x 2 for each season)
Priority: Lent, Easter, & Trinity Seasons. These liturgical banners were designed by a Bethany Grad and member of a church of our fellowship. They are Christ-centered and combine themes from an entire season. The entire collection of banners can be viewed here.

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