During the Saturdays in Advent, Faith will be hosting a “vintage” Christmas for Kids. Maybe not exactly like you grew up with, but even older – even more “vintage.” Each Saturday during December, we will meet at Faith to learn and rehearse a program which will be performed on Christmas Eve morning, December 24th at 9:00am. We won’t only rehearse however, we’ll also have activities and treats – kind of like an Advent VBS.
So what makes our program “vintage”?
2017 is the 500th Anniversary of the Lutheran Reformation. So, we’re taking the opportunity to celebrate a “vintage” Lutheran Christmas. Martin Luther, the German monk who began the Reformation, also had a lot to do with our modern celebration of Christmas. We’ll “join” Luther in a program that Luther himself wrote for his family to focus on what Christ’s birth meant for them – and the world. In doing so, perhaps we’ll look at Christmas through young eyes again, better appreciating this amazing holy day.
We invite non-members as well as members to join Christmas for Kids! Please register below.
Email Scott Mikkelson if you have any questions.
Christmas Program Registration
Register for the 2017 Children's Christmas Program
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