For the 6th year in a row, Faith Lutheran Church is proud to organize a “Spring Cleaning Drive” to benefit the Oregon Food Pantry!
Most people are aware the Pantry accepts food donations, but the Oregon Food Pantry is in persistent need of Personal Essential Products (PEP), which include hygiene and cleaning products.
Please consider donating unopened hygiene & cleaning products, including:
- Laundry Detergent (preferably non-scented)
- Personal Hygiene Products (deodorant, toothpaste, shampoo, etc.)
- Feminine Hygiene Products
- Multipurpose Cleaners
Pick-up: Week of March 19-26
Youth and members from Faith Lutheran Church will pick items up from various neighborhoods. Youth and members of the church will be hanging green bags on doors with a flyer saying what date they will stop by and pick the items up.
If you would like to arrange a pick up, please contact Pastor Jeff Hendrix via Email or Cell 608-405-9522.
Or, you may drop items off at Faith Lutheran Church, 143 Washington St. Oregon, WI anytime before April 2.
Items will be sorted and given to the Oregon Area Food Pantry.
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