Last night, the Elders met along with Pastor to discuss reopening our Divine Services on Pentecost Sunday, May 31. Below are the procedures we will be following. We humbly ask those who attend to abide by these protocols for the safety and comfort of all.
In order to help us plan, and in order to help meet safety protocols, please register if you plan on attending on May 31.
Prepared 5/21/2020. Will take effect 5/31/2020.
General Procedures
- Those who have any of the symptoms of COVID-19 or who have been in recent contact with someone who has, should stay home and contact Pastor for pastoral care.
- Based on CDC recommendations, those who are at high risk (including those 65 and older) are encouraged (though not required) to stay home and make arrangements for private communion and a devotion with Pastor.
- Attendees are encouraged (though not required) to wear a mask, as strongly suggested in Emergency Order #36 Interim Order to Turn the Dial and the Public Facilities Guidelines from the Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation.
- No one will be made to feel guilty about not coming.
- The service will continue to be live-streamed (Service of the Word only) and communion will still be offered privately.
Sign Up for Service Times
- For the time being, attendees are asked to sign up in advance online at FaithLutheranOregon.com/Register, or by calling Faith Elder Rick Waldschmidt who will then register them.
- If the number of families registered exceeds the ability to socially distance at one service, additional services will be added.
- Registering is necessary for our ability to plan for safe distancing, set-up especially for communion, and, should it become necessary, to carry out contact tracing for COVID-19.
- Ushers will be masked. Elder Rick Waldschmidt will coordinate the usher schedule.
- Hand sanitizer will be available around the building, and attendees will be encouraged to use it.
- We will refrain from physical contact with fellow worshippers.
- Special care will be given to use disinfectant wipes to wipe down common surfaces before each worship service, e.g. door handles used by attenders, light switches, etc.
- Congregation President Mike Zagrodnik will coordinate volunteers to clean and provide cleaning supplies.
Traffic Flow, Bathrooms, and Building Procedure
- Attendees are encouraged to not use the lower level, to help with cleaning.
- Only the front door (Washington St.), as well as the ramp, will be open on Sunday mornings.
- Windows will be opened for each service to increase fresh air flow (plan accordingly for various temperatures).
Distancing & Attendance
- We will observe a minimum of 6 feet of personal space except for those who are in close contact on a regular basis, e.g. members of the same household.
- In order to adequately space out, only every fourth pew will be used, and attendees asked to spread out within pews if they are not of the same household.
Service Plans & Singing
- Hymnals and Bibles will be removed from the pews. Attendees are encouraged to bring their own.
- For now, any hymn(s) will be sung only at the very end of the service. Attendees will have the opportunity to leave before the singing, if they desire.
- Pastor will chant the introit and gradual at the beginning, like usual, facing the altar.
Holy Communion Procedures
- Communion will be offered publicly on a weekly basis, at every service. Because of the unpredictability of the potential need for some members to stay home, as well as ever-changing comfort level of members at various times, we feel this is the most loving thing to do, to make it available for whomever may wish to partake of it on a particular day.
- For the time being, only Pastor will set up the elements for Holy Communion. He will don a mask and use hand sanitizer before preparing the elements and when storing the elements and communion ware after worship.
- A slightly stronger wine (18%) will be used.
- The Chalice (common cup) will continue to be offered. The purificator will be soaked in Everclear and be used to disinfect the chalice after every sip. (See this article for a summary of the theoretical, but low, risk of infection from the common cup)
- Pastor, as a matter of practice, will continue to consume the remaining wine/blood from the chalice after all others have communed.
- Individual cups, spaced out on the tray and handed out by Pastor, will be offered as well.
- Pastor will sanitize his hands before uncovering the elements and again before distribution begins. He will perform a silent distribution and only instruct communicants to “take eat” and “take drink” after everyone has received the host and wine, after which he will give the blessing.
- Communicants who prefer to commune privately can arrange with Pastor to do so. Pastor will follow the same protocols described above.
- Our tables for Holy Communion will be limited to either a) a maximum of two families per table, one on either side, or b) four individuals per table, two on either side.
After the Service
- No shaking hands or greeting.
- Attendees are asked to not stay and socialize in the sanctuary, narthex, or fellowship hall. If conversation with others is desired, this can and should be done outside.
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