We are excited to announce that Return to Wittenberg will be hosting its annual conference (a weekend of spiritual enrichment and encouragement for all ages), “Our Great Heritage,” here at Faith Lutheran Church from October 7th – 9th, 2022.
This year will be a free conference format, with speakers from ELS, WELS, and LCMS, discussing our great heritage of Catechesis, Scripture, and Hymnody.
Presenting will be Dr. Adam Koontz of Concordia Theological Seminary, Ft. Wayne, with two unique topics: ‘Our Heritage of Christian Liberty: On the Christian Conscience in its Being Bound Only to the Word of God’ and ‘Our Heritage of God’s Gifts: On the Family and Children as the Primary Earthly Gifts the Lord Gives.’
We will also hear a presentation from Pr. Dagan Siepert, titled, ‘Glorious Now We Press Toward Glory: A Summary of The Bible In View of Glorification and Sanctification.’
Other WELS and ELS presenters will be announced soon.
Uplifting worship opportunities will be led by ordained ELS and WELS clergy.
You are guaranteed an enjoyable time learning with fellow Lutherans. Please visit the R2W website www.returntowittenberg.org to register for the conference.
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