Wednesdays in Advent | 7:00pm – Advent Vespers. An evening service, focusing on prayer and catechesis, preceded by a meal at 6:00pm.
Christmas Eve Candlelight Vespers | 7:00pm – Dec. 24. An evening service of preparation for Christmas, with singing and prayer. This service is more reflective than Christmas morning and has historically been seen as the “warm-up” to the next morning’s service.
After the service, join us for hot cocoa and roasted marshmallows.
Christ’s Mass Divine Service | 9:00am Christmas Morning, Dec. 25. Don’t forget the Mass in Christmas. This is the main service for Christians, complete with the celebration of the incarnate Christ in Holy Communion. This is where Christ is born for us today.
First Sunday in Christmas | 9:00am, Dec. 29. There are 12 days of Christmas, and they begin on the 25th. There’s so much more to Christmas, and so we keep our eyes on the events which happened after Christ’s birth this Sunday.
Second Sunday in Christmas & Festival of the Epiphany| 9:00am, Jan. 5. Epiphany, the celebration of the wise men visiting the young boy Jesus, is always January 6, and with Sunday being so close this year, we will observe the Festival of the Epiphany for this morning’s service.
12th Day of Christmas Party | 5-8pm, Jan. 5. Join us for a party with wassail, drinks, treats, and singing as we celebrate the final night of Christmas. Held at the Parsonage. Contact Pastor for address.
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