On November 5, 2017, Faith hosted its 9th annual Military Recognition program. It was a day to learn about, honor, and commemorate God’s Two Kingdoms.
During our Divine Service, we remembered, honored, and commemorated the Kingdom of the Right, the Communion of Saints – all those Christians living and still fighting in the Church Militant on earth against temptations of the devil, the world, and our flesh, as well as all those Christians who have already attained the victory through Christ, the Church Victorious in Heaven. A bell was tolled as we remembered each person from our congregation who joined the heavenly church in the past year.
During our program afterwards downstairs, we remembered, honored, and commemorated the Kingdom of the Left, the World and all in authority – including those who serve our country currently, those who have served in the past, and those who gave the ultimate sacrifice. Their service to our temporal country, as well as the uniforms they wear, help us all to keep in mind the greater spiritual battle we face, but more importantly, the uniform Jesus has given each one of us, the robe of righteousness, reminding us that it’s not about us, but about something greater: God’s Eternal Country, the Kingdom of Heaven.
Denny Behr, Master Chief (ret.), and a member of our own congregation was the featured speaker, telling about his service to our country in the Navy.
We look forward to next year’s event – the Sunday before Veteran’s Day.