Buy one Evangelical Lutheran Hymnary (ELH) for your home, and another will be donated to church (up to 30).
Hymnals are an invaluable tool to have for your family devotional life. Next to the Bible itself, a hymnal is probably the second most important book you can own. Hymnals are full of Bible promises, set to poetry and music, making the words of Scripture easy to memorize and a wonderful comfort.
The ELH is the current hymnal of our church body, the ELS (The WELS’ Christian Worship, the hymnal in our church pews, is being phased out next year across that Synod so it makes little sense to buy that hymnal). In addition to hymns, the ELH contains the Small Catechism, a number of options for morning or evening devotions, daily prayers, and, for those who wish to dig deeper into their Lutheran faith, the Augsburg Confession.
We have been given a special group rate of $12/hymnary.
Simply order your personal hymnary/hymnaries directly from our BLC Bookstore at the link above. Shipping is a flat rate of $5 and they will be shipped directly to your home. Pastor Hendrix & the BLC Bookstore will work out how many hymnaries will be given to Faith afterwards.