Sundays | 9:00am – Divine Service. Holy Communion offered every Sunday, publicly in the services on the 2nd and last Sundays of the month. (Visitors see our communion policy here.)
Sundays | 10:15am – Sunday School. After time for grabbing treats, children begin with music, a devotion with Pastor, and then to their classroom for a lesson.
Sundays | 10:30am – Adult Bible Class. Classes rotate regularly between Biblical, Systematic, Practical, and Historical theology.
Lent & Easter Schedule
Wednesdays in Lent | 7:00pm – Lent Vespers. An evening service, focusing on prayer and catechesis, preceded by a meal at 6:00pm.
Maundy Thursday | 7:00pm – Confessional Divine Service, April 9. The evening our Lord instituted His Holy Supper for the forgiveness of our sins. The service concludes with the stripping of the altar in remembrance of our Lord’s betrayal in the Garden of Gethsemane.
Good Friday | 7:00pm, April 10 – Tenebrae Vespers. On Good Friday, the church remembers the crucifixion of her Lord. Her remembrance, while solemn, is not a message of gloom, but a service of adoration of Jesus the Lamb of God as He offers up his life.
Holy Saturday | 6:30pm, April 11 – Easter Vigil At Resurrection Lutheran Church, Verona, WI. The Easter Alleluia sounds forth for the first time in the midst of the dark night and we are carried in spirit to Christ’s tomb where the Creator’s Sabbath rest was transformed into a new Day and Age, the Day of the Lord.
Easter Sunday | 9:00am, April 12 – Easter Festival Service. The high point of the entire church year, the celebration of our Lord, risen from the dead. This service is rich in symbolism and even richer in hymns, lessons, and Gospel comfort.